ACL – rehabilitering
These are some of the best of the web sites that have good articles about the anterior cruciate ligament for both the patient and the physician.
- World Ortho
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons – see OKO
Medscape – see orthopaedics
En En “ren” ACL hjemmeside: Orthopaedics ACL Study Group
Link med behandling og rehabilitering af knæ lidelser, herunder ACL ifølge K Donald Shelbourne MD.
The University of Connecticut Health Center. Sports medicine experts at the “UConn Health Center” specialize in the care and treatment of athletic injuries. In addition to surgery we understand the importance of training, conditioning, and non-surgical rehabilitation in the treatment of these conditions. ACL:
The Sports Medicine Center of Orthopaedic Associates of Portland specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries. Der afsnit om skulder, knæ og fod/ankel. Se f.eks. ACL rehab:Home: ACL:
Link til et fysioterapi center. Har en række patient vejledninger. Se under “Patient guides”.Chehalem Physical Therapy, Inc., located in Newberg, Oregon, is a team-oriented group of physical therapists and their assistants whose aim is to help you achieve your best in physical function, to ensure your well-being, and to make sure you are completely satisfied with your treatment experience!Home: ACL:
The Stone Foundation for Sports Medicine and Arthritis Research At The Stone ClinicHome: ACL: